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Judges Night

  • Tue, October 26, 2021
  • 5:30 PM

The Advocates Society, an association of Polish-American attorneys, is proud to present our annual Judge’s Night on October 26, 2021.  


Sitting Judges, please use the promo code JUDGE (all caps) to receive your complimentary registration.

Join us virtually at 5:30 pm for a friendly gathering to honor our Judges.

At 6:00 pm The Advocates are proud to present:

 ABA Podcast “Gavel Talks” host The Honorable Richard Ginkowski.

 Judge Ginkowski’s topic for this evening is: 


Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your ancestry?  How did it make you feel?  What did you do about it?   

Join Wisconsin Judge Richard Ginkowski for an interactive discussion about how even when the jokes stopped Polish-American lawyers still feel the effects of decades of discrimination.  You’ll be invited to share your experiences and then we’ll visit the crisis of the Polish government’s nonstop assault on a free and independent judiciary. 

Richard Ginkowski has served since 2013 as municipal judge in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin and a supplemental Kenosha County Circuit Court commissioner.  Judge Ginkowski is president of the Wisconsin Municipal Judges Association, a member of the executive committee of the National Conference of Specialized Court Judges and chair of its Education Committee, a member of the Education Committee of the American Bar Association Judicial Division and a member and former chair of the editorial board of Criminal Justice, the magazine of the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section.  

Judge Ginkowski has collaborated on program planning for the National Judicial College and has presented continuing legal and judicial education programs for the American Bar Association, Wisconsin Office of Judicial Education, North Georgia Judicial Summit and Wisconsin Statewide Prosecutor Education and Training.   He served as a state prosecutor in Wisconsin after graduating from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1981 until he was elected municipal judge in 2013.  Judge Ginkowski, a former journalist, was also a member of the Media-Law Relations Committee of the State Bar of Wisconsin and is the host and producer of Gavel Talks, the American Bar Association podcast for judges. He and his wife, Judy, a retired teacher, have a grown daughter. 

 Admission is complementary for all judges.  A $25 suggested donation for other attendees.  We look forward to seeing you.

Advocates Society
216 West Higgins Road, Park Ridge, IL 60068
(312) 820 -1516 | | Contact Us

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